There is a number of ways to show activity and use SiteTalk:

Chat with friends

Surf around on SiteTalk and read about what other users do

Write updates what you do

Connect with friends

Invite new friends

Create a group

Comment on users’ updates

Be active in a group

Improve and add content to your profile

Change profile picture

These are but a few of the ways to be active on SiteTalk. All users that use SiteTalk regularly and with

some or all the above will be credited as active. The basic idea is simple – by showing real activity

and usage, you will increase the value for the entire company, and you will take part of this value.


Our long term goal with the 1 BV program is that it will be a value driven ongoing promotion where

Unaico members can max out with only users on SiteTalk. That will be in a later phase, but in order

for this to happen we will add several new services and products that can be used and purchased on

SiteTalk. This, in combination with real users having SiteTalk as their major form of communication

for some or all areas of their social network, will give us all a valid and profitable business model. But

in order to get there, we will launch the 1 BV program phase by phase. This phase is to educate the

users to increase their usage of SiteTalk and tell others to do the same. TERMS & CONDITIONS


• The “1 BV promotion” is open to all members who are over the age of 18 years.


• The promotion runs monthly from August 20th 2011 until such time as the company deems

that the promotion requires a period of reflection and possible modification and update

based on the needs of the site.

• These terms and conditions shall be deemed to apply to all qualifiers in the incentive scheme

from August 20th , 2011. Continued participation in the promotion constitutes full and unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions.
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